Little Lambs Ministry
Little Lambs Ministry
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Bible League of Canada
In recent years Little Lambs Ministry has expanded its vision to countries beyond Ukraine to those throughout Eurasia and China, extending beyond the Children's Ministry to church planting and discipleship.
In close partnership with The Bible League of Canada, Little Lambs Ministry is assisting churches in Eurasia and China in their childrens ministry programs as well as their efforts to plant churches and disciple believers. Little Lambs Ministry is coordinating the distribution of Scriptures and Bible study materials to local churches in Eurasia and China for The Bible League of Canada.
During the months of June, July and August Little Lambs Ministry and the Bible League of Canada have been working together with many church planters in Armenia, Romania, Belarus, Russia, Serbia and Moldova helping them organize VBS camps. We were able to help our partners in Eurasia to organize 289 camps with a total attendance of over 12,000 children. The thrilling thing is that the children not only had fun, but many of them met their Savior Jesus Christ in the process.
Bible League - Eurasia Ministries
In the spring of 1998, the board of Little Lambs Ministry approved the expansion of its ministry within Eurasia and into China under Eurasia Ministries. Eurasia Ministries is headed up by Waldemar Kurz. These programs are accomplished in close cooperation with Bible League of Canada, Reach A Village and several other mission agencies.
Besides its ministry to orphaned children in Ukraine, Eurasia Ministry also has outreach programs in an additional 13 different countries in Eurasia as well as in China. The programs include Church Planting, Discipleship, Scripture Placement and of course, Children's Ministries. In the field, Waldemar works in partnership with local and national leaders as well as Church planters who are knowledgeable of language and culture. As such, they are able to reach their surrounding communities in an effective way with the Gospel.
In prior years Little Lambs Ministry has sent volunteers to help Church planters in Moldova and Russia with VBS and orphan ministry programs for children in their villages. It is largely our mutual desire to minister to children in this area of the world and share the Gospel with them.
In the past, we had not given Eurasia ministry much publicity in our Little Lambs Ministry publications but in the future, we will be sharing on our website some ministry projects and results of the Eurasia and China Ministries.
Your prayers and financial support of Eurasia's projects are appreciated. To find out more information you can also visit our partner website reachavillage.org
Village Ministries
Our mission is to assist and help the church planters in small villages to provide summer programs for the children there.
For the last two summers, Little Lambs Ministry has been working with Moldovan church planters to host a summer camp program for the children in their villages. God has opened doors for us and has given us this amazing opportunity to help this poor country in their children's outreach ministry.
In Moldova, 60% of the adults leave their children and their country to find work somewhere in Europe. Some of them don't ever come back. The children are left in the villages with grandparents, neighbors, and relatives. In some families, the older kids are taking care of the youngest. The opportunity to reach out to those kids in need is great, and we don't want to miss it.A similar need is that the villages of Armenia, Macedonia, Serbia, and Ukraine, and their church planters are asking us for help. Please pray with us for God's direction and guidance.
Pray for wisdom for the church planters and hundreds of their assistant volunteers as they organize the on-going discipleship programs during the following months for those who started to attend churches as a result of this program now.Please pray that the children and their families would continue to grow and mature in Christ. And praise God for the support the Church has found with the local mayor!
Last summer was our second year working with village children in Moldova. Even though we did not have a team for Moldova, our Moldovan brothers and sisters did not give up the program. We helped two small village churches with their VBS program. A total of 173 children participated in the programs last summer and many families received needed clothing, blankets and care packs. In one of the villages, during the final week, many of the children's parents attended as well as the village mayor. The mayor publicly expressed his appreciation for us and promised his support for this ministry in the future!
We are planning to grow and expand this important ministry to help the church planters in the small villages to reach more children during next summer in Moldova, Armenia and beyond. We would like to send a few teams to help next summer and if you are interested, please let us know.
If you or your church are interested in our Village Ministry and can help the church planters, please let us know. The trips are 10-11 days and the cost is $2,000 to $2,400. If your church can send a team of four to six people we can work with you on dates that are convenient for your church and the village church.
Looking for more information? Contact us below!
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